Saturday, July 24, 2010


Meocha Belle 6/26

Tonight I went to the CAONA Women of SOUL musical event, along with my roommate. The three different sets and groups that performed all had amazing voices and music. There were powerful messages transmitted through their song lyrics. Being a music lover who frequents concerts, I have a very critical ear and eye for the delivery, content and stage presence of musical artists. And I definitely think each performer was amazing! If I was a music executive for a major record label, I would sign Kadja Nse without hesitation! I was touched by everyone but her voice and songs resounded for me.
Through out the four hours that I was there, the women managed to mix spoken word, rap, funk, reggae, rhythm and blues and jazz into their performances together and separate. The greatest messages I received from their display of artistry were the statements, "I am home...I'm going home," and "No city owns me. I walk free with myself." Coming from a group of women who all were not originally from France, this spoke volumes!
Up to this point in the Paris Noir seminar, we have learned that, "some blacks left the U.S. expressly to escape the burdens of discrimination that came to Paris as self-conscious refugees from racism." Other blacks saw "the label expatriate inappropriate, arguing that because the U.S. had never really accepted them or been their home in any fundamental sense, they should not be considered exiles from it," among several other viewpoints (From Harlem to Paris).
Tonight, these women claimed and named their own home and did not let their location dictate their sense of belonging. Ferricia, who spoke at one of our panels, used spoken word during a couple of her songs to speak for the silence that reverberates in the French culture and as a mode to express her political stance.
It was refreshing to see a group of women happily working together! And afterwords, Ferricia introduced us to her co-stars and engaged in conversation about their performances and American and French governing.

Here's a video from the night!

~Paris Noir 2010

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