Saturday, July 24, 2010

Give Thanks

Meocha Belle 6/25

Today I made it a point to contact those that made it possible for me to attend Paris Noir 2010, again. Just as quickly as I sent my thank-you's out, the responses came in. And the common reception was that of appreciation. I recognize that you have to show people you are appreciative of them and that it is also a factor in how those after you are received.
After doing this, I traveled all around Paris on the Metro to have time to myself.
I wanted to just explore places that I have not been to yet and also visit some of my favorite places. It was very refreshing and even got a chance go to Jardin de Luxemburg to get started reading Murambi: the Book of Bones.
After viewing Sometimes in April, this morning, I was not really surprised by the graphic nature of the text. Laying out the function of the text in the introduction and foreword in comparison to other works on the subject matter-Rwandan genocide- and providing larger questions and answers, the writers took away from active reading and further objectified Rwandan's as "the others" instead of meeting its intentions of drawing on outreach and responsibility.

~Paris Noir 2010

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