Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Eyes Wide Open

Meocha Belle 6/19

Today we visited Anibwe-"with your eyes open"-a black independent book seller, publisher, distributor, and cultural space of African Diasporic knowledge. During our time there the question of who should be educating us and our children was raised. Figures such as Marcus Garvey, Malcom X and Cheik Anta Diop, as bodies of knowledge were brought up as testaments to the types of information that is withheld from citizens across the global. These people were needed to educate African Americans, Africans, Haitians and people from Les Antilles on because they were fed and loaded with information that was not in their best interest or representative of them, As I remembered this fact, I quickly recalled two statements that directly correlated with such a discussion from James Baldwin's No Name in the Street. My mind went directly to the moments where he stated, "the key to a tale is to be found in who tells it" and "ye are liars, and the truth's not in you." Baldwin's usage of what can be called, "selective memory" and its implications of important happenings in relation to the context of knowledge given, clearly displays the influence of white power on the black mind.

~Paris Noir 2010

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